Code of Conduct
KVR Middle School Code of Conduct
KVR Middle School’s Code of Conduct is part of School District #67’s (Okanagan Skaha) District Code of Conduct Framework (Administrative Procedure #350). It has been established to govern the behaviour expectations of our students in compliance with the SD67 District Code of Conduct and School Act, sections 85(1.1) 168 (2) (s.1).
Purpose of the Code of Conduct
To facilitate the development of student agency as well as the skills and attitudes necessary for positive participation in a civil democratic society, this purpose of this Code of Conduct has been established to maintain a safe, caring and orderly learning environment.
Conduct Expectations
These are examples of acceptable behaviour (note this list does not comprise a complete list but is offered to illustrate support for the purpose stated).
- Conducting oneself in a safe and respectful manner when interacting with peers.
- Conducting oneself in a safe and respectful manner when moving about the building and environs.
- Ensuring one’s conduct is not disrupting the learning environment.
- responding in a respectful and cooperative manner to reasonable requests by staff members.
- Demonstrating respect for the KVR facility, property and its contents.
- demonstrating respectful and appropriate behavior at all school functions both at KVR and at other schools where we are guests.
- informing a staff member in a timely manner of potential threats or unsafe behaviour including incidents of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment or intimidation.
- seeking staff assistance to resolve conflict peacefully where necessary.
- Maintaining appropriate standards of hygiene, dress, and language.
- Attending school regularly and arriving on time.
- Meaningfully engaging in the learning activities and tasks set out by teachers.
- Showing respect for the safety rules and expectations while riding the school bus (see School District 67 Administration Procedure 351).
These are examples of unacceptable behaviour (note this list does not comprise a complete list but is offered to illustrate support for the purpose stated).
- interfering with or disrupting the learning and teaching environment of others.
- engaging in physical violence, harassment, threats or intimidation.
- engaging in verbal harassment, threats or intimidation.
- Engaging in cyberbullying or other inappropriate technology-based behaviours that negatively impacts the school, students and/or staff.
- use or possession of weapons (including replicas).
- any behavior or communication that discriminates based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, family status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.
- acts of theft or vandalism of school or other’s property.
- possession or use of lasers, lighters, open flames.
- skateboarding, bike-riding, and use of scooters on school property, including the bus zone.
- throwing snowballs on the school grounds or on the way to and from school.
- possession, use of or sale of any tobacco or vapour product at any time including non-school hours is prohibited on school property (see School District 67 Administration Procedure 162).
- possession, trafficking or use of illegal substances such as drugs or alcohol (see School District 67 Administration Procedure 356).
BC Human Rights Code
KVR Middle School adheres to the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law. All participants in school business, activities or events shall conduct themselves in a manner that does not contravene the BC Human Rights Code and its basic principles of respect and fairness. No person shall discriminate against another based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, physical and mental disability, gender, gender identity and expression or sexual orientation within the school environment or through the school system and its related function through publication, or in accommodation, service or facility. The school will treat seriously any behavior that contravenes the grounds set out in the BC Human Rights Code (RSBC 1996, c. 210, i, ii).
Violations Of The Code Of Conduct
We recognize that most members of our school community conduct themselves in a responsible and acceptable manner. In the event of a violation of our Code of Conduct, the staff will endeavour to act consistently by:
- communicating with all individuals involved;
- determining all of the facts; and
- treat students with fairness and respect.
The staff recognizes that each incident must be dealt with on an individual basis, dependent upon severity, circumstance and history. Every effort will be made to match the situation and the consequence to the learner through the use of a progressive disciplinary model.
As learners mature in middle school there is a higher expectation of responsibility, therefore consequences for violations of the code of conduct may vary from grades 6 to 8. Whenever possible, the learner, with the assistance of the administrator, teacher, behaviour intervention teacher, counselor, and/or parent/guardian, will be involved in solving the problem.
Where appropriate, additional consideration may apply to students with exceptional educational needs who violate the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct (including consequences) will be applied to them in a manner that reflects their intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural abilities.
Offences And Possible Consequences
Minor violations of the Code of Conduct are dealt with in a variety of ways (including collaborative problem solving, meetings with students, staff, and parents, detentions, school service and other consequences that are intended to be restorative in nature) leading to the development of more positive behaviour, allowing students to make amends for unacceptable conduct.
More serious violations of the Code of Conduct (detailed below) may lead to a definite/indefinite in/out of school suspension, a Restorative Justice referral and/or RCMP involvement. The following are examples of serious violations of the Code of Conduct and do not constitute a complete list of possible offences:
Examples of Serious Offences |
Possible Consequences |
A copy of any written communications (ie suspension letters) will be included in the student file, and forwarded to the Office of the Superintendent.
Reporting a Breach
Anybody wishing to report a breach of KVR’s Code of Conduct is encouraged to contact any staff member or administrator either verbally or in writing. Reporting may be done confidentially.
Retaliation Prevention
In all instances where a student reports a breach of a code of conduct, the administration and board will take all reasonable steps to keep the report confidential where possible, and take all reasonable steps to prevent retaliation.